Friday, 30 June 2017


As you begin this new week, I wish to remind you that life is not a bed of roses. There are challenges of life which by the  grace of God, can not overpower you. But we must thank God always and in everywhere πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ».

In 2 Corinthians 6, 1-10, St. Paul is saying: We prove we are servants of God when we commend ourselves in every way: through great endurance, in afflictions, hardships, calamities, beatings, imprisonments, tumults, labours, watching, hunger, etc.

St. Paul said that because the grace of God was sufficient for him, and he was begging the Corinthians not to neglect the grace that they had received. Because it will be by the grace of God that they will be able to receive the help from God to overcome all trials and difficulties and also to receive the salvation from God.

As you begin this new week, may God's grace be sufficient unto you, may His love go with you, may His peace overshadow you, may His healing hands stretch above you, and may you receive from Him abundance of mercies. Amen

Good morning!


Talking about offering, does it mean only money? Can we offer another thing in place of money? Is money the ultimate means or medium of offering? Can we only show charity through offering money? Well, when St. Paul was talking about giving in 2 Cor. 9, 6-11,  he was certainly referring to money. But, is that all?😱

Unfortunately, even though money is the means of giving, there are other things that are equally very important like the spirituality of giving. This is made manifest in Matt. 6, 1-6, 16-18 when Jesus was talking about prayer, fasting and almsgiving. In fact, He is saying that God the Father knows the intentions of doing it πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ™πŸ».

My dear friend(s), whether it is prayer, fasting or almsgiving, it is a form of spiritual offering to God the Father, and when God sees the purity of the intentions behind it, He will reward the giver accordingly πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ».

Answering the question, "what is the attitude behind the giving or the offering?" St. Paul answers thus: "thin sowing means thin reaping. And God loves a cheerful giver." God also will reward those who give generously of themselves in prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Have you planned to give sparingly? Hmmm, have a rethink.

I am here praying for you, believing you have done that for me too. Have a beautiful day ahead, and like I always advised, eat and drink plenty of water. I just finished my pineapple juice😜.

Good morning!


Who has done you more harm? Who did you say you will never forgive? Why did God forgive you? Why can't you forgive him/her? Are you better than the person you're accusing? Do you know that "small" sins can kill? Is hate and grudge not a sin also? Are you a prayer warrior without a forgiving heart? Are you expecting God to forgive your sins? 😱😱

My dear friend(s), let's take out time to answer some or all of the questions above and stop acting sanctimonious when we cannot even forgive others.    After Jesus had  taught His disciples to pray, He vehemently emphasized on forgiveness. Because when we stand before God, we stand before Him as sinners with our own set of failings.

If we as sinners cannot  forgive our neighbours and friends for their failings, then our  prayers does not make any sense, and that was what Jesus was saying. But when we realize that we are no better than the other person whom we are about to point our fingers at, then mercy and forgiveness have already begun to flow in us.

As for me, I have forgiven you a long time. We must live by examples for the coming generation. Today, I urge you to forgive him/her, and claim your place in heaven. The day is bright, eat and go to work. Meanwhile, I have taken a glass of chilled orange juiceπŸ‘πŸ».



Monday, 8 May 2017


Do you agree that what we see mostly depends on what we are looking for? Well, we can reason together based on logistics..😜
If you're a young man or woman in love with a particular person, every other person may almost be non-existent to you until you find him/her.

Scripturally, the crippled man at the Beautiful Gate was looking at Peter and John to  beg them for something (Acts 3, 1-10). What was he looking for? Material things to support himself. But in the gospel of Luke 24, 13-35, the two disciples on the way to Emmaus saw Jesus but something prevented them from recognising him. Wow!

My dear friend(s), in these two occasions, both the crippled man and the disciples on the way to Emmaus were looking but not really seeing more other than what they wanted for themselves. Terrible! 😳😳

While the cripple man wanted some material assistance, maybe by way of money, the two disciples on the other hand wanted some sympathy for their misery and disappointment. We must learn to look beyond what we want for ourselves. If everything is about you, what about those around you?😱😱

Truly, what Jesus wants to give us is not mere silver or gold or some consolation in our disappointment, but a revelation. When Jesus is who we are looking for, we will see Him.

Now, as you go out today, I ask you again: What are you looking for in Jesus? Eat your breakfast in peace, I'm enjoying my orange juice 😜

Good morning!


Have you ever gone to a place you presume no one will know you, and suddenly someone called your names? How was the experience? Were you startled? Were you happy? Were you having mixed feelings whether you were the one actually called? Well, whatever your experience, that was exactly what happened to Mary Magdalene in John 20, 11-16😳

My dear friend(s), in the gospel pericopee, something very unusual and  personal, something very scary but intimate happened to Mary. The
Risen Lord called her by her name, Mary,  and she turned round and said to him in Hebrew, 'Rabboni'. Indeed, that was the turning point in her life of brokenness, weeping, grieving and lost πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

This experience of Mary with the Risen Lord gave her back her identity and a mission. That is what happens to you and I when we have an intimate encounter with the Risen Lord. No matter our past, once there is an encounter with the divine, our lives must surely change for the betterπŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

Have you forgotten that the Peter who spoke on the day of Pentecost was a different person from the one who denied Jesus three times and wept? Surely, something must happen whenever you experience the Risen Lord. You must regain your identity and find a new purpose and mission in lifeπŸ™πŸ»

My most cherished friend(s), whenever you feel that life has come to a halt, whenever your dreams are broken, and whenever you have more fears than hopes, the Risen Lord comes to you and calls you out
as He called Mary. Are you ready to respond? ☝🏻☝🏻

As you go out today, the Risen Lord will call you by your name. Please, listen and respond with your heart so that your life can have a meaning and a mission.

Like I always said, eat before you leave your house and if you're lucky to be around my neighborhood, I shall be delighted to host you for lunch. Let me know on time, life is fun with friends like you😜😜

Guten Morgen!

Monday, 17 April 2017


Wow! There is no doubt in my mind that the past 40 days of the Lenten season and the Holy Triduum were saturated with lots of activities. In fact, many people were praying that it should end faster than expected, because every Wednesdays and Fridays were Stations of the Cross, fasting,  abstinence, penance, and Reconciliation services.

My dear friend(s), have you noticed that the season of Easter which we started yesterday seems to be less busy compared to the Lenten season? In fact, it's all about wining and dining...😁😁 Yes, there is actually nothing much to do.

The same thing happened to the disciples when they heard the news of the resurrection of their master. It seems also that it was
only the guards and the elders who were trying to do something as the gospel of Matthew 28, 8-15 reports. What were they doing? 😳😳

Unfortunately, what they were doing was wrong by trying to cover the truth of the resurrection. But, can the truth be concealed or suppressed? No, that is the power of the resurrection.

St Peter affirms this truth when he said, "This man, who was put into your power by the deliberate intention and foreknowledge of God, you took and had crucified and killed by men outside the law. But God raised him to life, freeing him from the pangs of Hades, for it was impossible for him to be held in its power."πŸ™πŸ»

Today i pray for you: whatever lies the enemies may have told over your head to destroy you, whatever your enemies may have done to cover your face from success, and breakthrough, and marriage, and employment, may the power of the resurrection uncover and  lead others  to the truth about you. Amen

I am happy now because I have resumed my juice therapy which was on hold since the beginning of the Lenten season. I was so excited when I took a chilled glass of pineapple juice at about 6am 😜.. Hope you have taken breakfast? See you tomorrow, God willing. Love you!😘

Good morning!

Thursday, 16 March 2017


I was sitting quietly this morning in my room when messages started coming in geometric progression, all demanding why I have not posted my daily reflection to their inbox. I am sorry for depriving you of it πŸ™ˆ

It's no news that even in our affluent country, Nigeria, we do have so many poor people around us. Joke apart, there are genuinely poor people in our society. The parable of the rich man and Lazarus in the gospel of Luke 16, 19-31makes us to realise this reality and asks us what we as individuals are  doing about it and how we are helping the poor? 😳😳

Last week I talked about the three spiritual disciplines of lent, and today, one of them (almsgiving) is emphasized. When last did you help the poor? What about your driver, maid, cook, cleaner, etc? Do you say because they are paid, therefore you can't give helping hand again? You always tell your pastor to pray for you, have you remembered to offer alms to him this season? πŸ™ŠπŸ™ŠπŸ™Š

My dear friend(s), more than just charity, it is our duty to help the poor, and it is also about justice to the poor when we understand that we are stewards who should look after the weak and poor members of our community and society πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

As soon as we understand that it is our duty to help the poor and that it is an act of justice, then we will receive that blessing from the Lord and we will continue to bear fruits for the Lord πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ».

Please, don't waste food today. Monitor what your children are doing in the kitchen. Serve the quantity of food you can finish. Think of another person next to you. I am in my house, expecting your call today. Am I one of your friends? Waiting! 😁😁

Good morning!

Tuesday, 14 March 2017


Has anyone accused you? Have you tried to exonerate yourself from the accusations of your enemies? Are you feeling the guilt of your sins? Have you noticed that when you do the right thing, no one remembers, but when you do the wrong thing, no one forgets? 😳😳

My dear friend(s), whenever we do something wrong, we don't need reminders, because it only make the guilt heavier. What we need at that time is compassion and forgiveness. Forgiveness to carry on with our lives πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

In Isaiah 1, 18, God gives us a reminder, not of our sins, but of His compassion and forgiveness. He says, "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow ; though they are red as crimson, they shall be white as wool."

Today, learn to show compassion and forgive. Learn to do good, search for justice, discipline the violent, be just to the orphan, plead for the widow (Isaiah 1, 17).

May God give you the necessary grace to carry this out through Christ our Lord. Amen. Happy Tuesday! πŸ‘πŸ»

Good morning!


What a bright new Monday morning! What time did you wake? What was the first thing you did after waking up? Were you happy doing it? Are you experiencing spiritual aridity? How do you hope to come out of this mess? Well, these are some of the questions you can ponder this morning... πŸ™Š

There is no one on earth, even Jesus, who has not experienced some hard times. But, the question is, how do you deal with it? In Daniel 9, 4-10, Daniel turned his face to the Lord God, begging for time to pray and to plead, with fasting, sackcloth and ashesπŸ‘πŸ»

He began his prayer by acknowledging God in these words: O my Lord, God great and to be feared, you keep the covenant and show faithful love towards those who love you and who observe your commandments πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

Daniel acknowledged the greatness and faithfulness of God because that was what God had done for him. God blessed Daniel with status and authority even though he was in exile in Babylon. God gave Daniel the gift of prophecy. He saved Daniel in the lions' den and rescued him from his enemies' plots. Time and again, God showed Daniel His greatness and also His faithfulness.

What is your own experience of God? Is God faithful to you? Has He been compassionate and merciful to your situations? How do you repay His goodness to you? When Daniel experienced the awesomeness of God,  he remembered and praised God for His greatness and faithfulness to him πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

As you begin this new week, may you remember to praise God for His greatness and faithfulness in your life, business, office, studies, etc. Today shall be better. Amen.

Heading to the table for coconut rice and coffee. I didn't take my juice, I have sacrificed that for lent😜😜. Have a good day!

Good morning!
Rabbi 😘😘


Are you surprise at the topic? What time do you think reconciliation should be preached other than at the season of lent? By the way, how are you at the moment? Thank God is Friday! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

My dear friend(s), why should we be angry in the first place if we know very well that anger only generates heat that burns us away. Most times, the person we are angry at, may not be aware of what's happening.. 😳

Contrarily, reconciliation opens the door of our hearts for God to enter, heal and restore peace. The gospel pericopee in Matthew 5, 20-26 captures this vividly when Jesus remarked, "Go first and be reconciled to your brother." Don't forget that reconciliation is not about who is right and who is wrong πŸ™ŠπŸ™Š

It is a way of reaching an agreement or compromise towards healing the wounds of misunderstanding. It's a soothing medicine for angry parties to a conflict. God first reconciled us to Himself by sending His only Son to forgive and heal our sinful heartsπŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

I charge you today, please reconcile with him/her today no matter the distance. Let he who does not reconcile, not eat 😜.

God bless you day. See you at lunch.

Ututu oma!


My dear friend(s), I want to draw your mind back to Esther 14, 1- 14, and see how you and I can return back to God our maker in times of crisis and difficulties. How do you handle that marital problems, job problems, office problems, etc?  Have you forgotten to take them to God in prayer?

Esther prayed to the Lord God of Israel. She was pleading and imploring the Lord to save her and her people from mortal danger when she said, "help me, who am alone and have no helper but you, for my danger is in my hand... Now, assist me who am all alone, and have no one but you, O Lord, my God."

For queen Esther, her prayer is one of pleading, imploring and beseeching. For her, the Lord God is her only hope and there were no other options. Do you have any other option apart from God? πŸ™ŠπŸ™Š

Ask, seek and knock, whatever is impossible with us is possible with God. As you go out today, may God give you the grace to love Him above other things and to love me and other neighbors as yourself.. See you at lunch.

Guten Morgen!

Tuesday, 7 March 2017


Thank God is Wednesday! How are you today? How was your night rest? Were you disturbed by noise from a nearby Church during their night program? Okay, thank God for seeing this new day... πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

Oftentimes, God would tempt us to see how much we listen to His commandments to love one another by asking us to something that will be for the good of those that we dislike and detest. 😳😳😳

If we are asked to pray for our enemies, how possible would that be? If we are asked to help our neighbour who is always quarrelling with us, how possible would that be? Like the Prophet Jonah in Jonah 3, 1-10,  we would rather not listen and even turn away from where and who God wants us to look at because they are our enemies.

Jonah was not interested at all in preaching to the Ninevites. Perhaps because the children of Nineveh were considered as arch-enemies of the Israelites, and so Jonah objected to have anything to do with them πŸ™‰πŸ™Š

Obviously, Jonah never wanted to see them repented and converted, but because God had already destined it, it happened when he began to preached to them. Terrible!!!

My most cherished friend(s), all our spiritual disciplines (prayer, fasting and almsgiving) would mean nothing if we do not humble ourselves in total obedience to the Word of God.
God can only grant the grace of repentance to those in need of His mercy through our humility and obedience πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ».

Well, like I said yesterday, I have given up on my juice therapy.. πŸ˜œπŸ™ˆ. I have hope that lunch shall be better, but until then, learn to be humble and obey.

This is your very good friend and brother saying, Buenas Dias.


Rejoinder: Archbishop Palmer-Buckle ‘sacks’ journalists from church

The attention of the Planning Committee of the Ecumenical and Inter-Faith Prayer Service had been drawn to news circulating in the Media that the Metropolitan Archbishop of Accra, Most Rev. Gabriel Palmer-Buckle has sacked Journalists of the Presidential Press Corps from the Holy Spirit Cathedral during the Service on Saturday, March 4, 2017

The headline of story sourced to and published on on March 4 reads: “Archbishop Palmer Buckle ‘sacks’ journalists from Church”. The story itself reads:

“Presidential Press corps abandoned Ghana@60 anniversary church service attended by the President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo after the Metropolitan Archbishop of Accra, Archbishop Gabriel Palmer Buckle sent them packing out of the Holy Spirit Cathedral for setting up their cameras next to his own camera. The Archbishop told the presidential press corps that the Cathedral was his and he calls the shots and that he determines the position his camera should be positioned. EIB’s Wilberforce Asare reported that the disappointed press team respectfully packed out of the church before the service started.”

The headline of another publication sourced to reads: “Presidential press corps abandons Akufo-Addo at Church”. The story itself reads:

“Press corps abandoned the President after they were treated rudely by Palmer Buckle. The Presidential press corps on Saturday abandoned the President at the Holy Spirit cathedral in Accra after they were treated rudely by the Metropolitan Archbishop of Accra.

Archbishop Gabriel Palmer Buckle reportedly ordered the media to move their cameras from the frontal of the church where they had set up to cover the president because the cameras obstructed his personal one which had been mounted in front of the church. According to Starr News’ Presidential correspondent, Wilberforce Asare, the Archbishop told the pressmen that the church was his and he must remain in control. The pressmen who were shocked, packed their accoutrement and left the premises even before the service could start.

President Akufo-Addo attended the service which was being held at the instance of the Ghana at 60 Committee.”

We wish to state that since the Ecumenical and Inter-Faith Prayer Service was a solemn liturgical service taking place in a Catholic Cathedral, the Archbishop only dispassionately explained to the cameramen to position themselves at a usual reserved place for the media during liturgical functions in the Cathedral to avoid distractions.

The Archbishop as the Chief Shepherd of the Archdiocese with the Cathedral as his seat, also reminded the Media that it was a service of prayer, hence the need to observe the solemnity of the programme. We want to place on record that, it was never and had never been the intention of Archbishop Palmer-Buckle to sack any journalist from the Cathedral as purported by the above reports but he was giving a liturgical directive to protect the sacred ambience of the liturgical space.


In a Catholic liturgical service, it is inappropriate to distract the Service and the people with movements with cameras. This has always been the norm in the Catholic Church according to its liturgical norms.

Again, we wish to correct an erroneous impression in the reports that Archbishop Palmer said their cameras obstructed his personal one which had been mounted in front of the church. On record, the Archbishop drew the attention of the Media that their cameras were distracting and obstructing the faithful who were to participate fully, knowingly and actively in the liturgical service.

If in any way, the Media misconstrued the Archbishop’s explanation, we, members of the Planning Committee, would like to render an unqualified apology and wish to assure the Media that the Catholic Church will continue to collaborate with them in the discharge of their duties.

Issued by:

The Planning Committee

c/o Department of Social Communications

National Catholic Secretariat, Accra.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017.

Source: National Catholic Secretariat

Thursday, 2 March 2017


Dearly beloved in Christ, yesterday we started the season of Lent with an emphasis on prayer, penance and almsgiving as means to help us think of others, think of ourselves and more importantly to think of God in our lives. This morning, Jesus is asking us: "What benefit it is to anyone to win the whole world and forfeit or lose his very self?

Is it true that what Jesus is asking can happen to any of us? What should be the remedy?
In Deuteronomy 30, 15ff, Moses said to the people of Israel: "Look, today I am offering you life and prosperity, death and disaster...Today, I call heaven and earth to witness against you: I am offering you life or death, blessing or curse. Choose life, then,  so that you and your descendants may live." (Deut. 30, 15, 19)

What Jesus said to us in the gospel may not sound very consoling to us. But, they are pointing us to the way of life and eventually to eternal life. The way of life is the way of the cross. To choose otherwise is to choose ruin and disaster. How do you manage your wealth? Are you worshipping it?

This is the season of alms, the season of forgiveness and the season of deep prayers. As we begin this new day, may God equip you with the necessary grace to know what is evil and to run away from them. Who are you going to help today? 😜

Wow.. I couldn't resist the urge to take this chilled glass of orange juice before I go for Mass. Make sure you do likewiseπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ».

From me, it's good morning


There is no need for us to pretend that we do not know what this season signifies.Jesus has clearly pointed out to us the three spiritual disciplines that are required of every one of us who follows him: prayer, fasting and almsgiving. However, the way and manner that we carry out these spiritual disciplines really shows our understanding of this seasonπŸ‘πŸ»

Obviously, when Yahweh addressed His people through the Prophet Isaiah, the people thought about fasting differently when they remarked: "Why have we fasted, if you do not see, why mortify ourselves if you never notice?" (Isaiah 58, 3). In their minds, they were thinking of fasting as a sure means of being noticed by Yahweh. They were wrongπŸ™‰

For Yahweh to show them that He is not pleased with such practices, He echoed: "Is that the sort of fast that pleases me, to break unjust fetters, to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and break every yoke? Is it not sharing your food with the hungry, and sheltering the homeless poor; if you see someone lacking clothes, to clothe him,  and not to turn away from your own kin? (Isaiah 58, 6-7)😳😳😳

My dear friend(s), when you fast what do you do?  When you fast, do you thirst and hunger for charitable works towards others? Do you purge yourself of selfishness and greed and be filled with the grace of kindness for others? πŸ™ŠπŸ™ŠπŸ™Š

Do you also pray for others when you fast? Or, are you selfish with prayers as well? What will you be remembered for in your office, school, Church, market, shop, neighborhood, after these 40 days of penance? Are you just being hypocritic?😳

As you begin your day, please reflect on this. Meanwhile, do not forget to eat when you come back from work. Should you are around my neighborhood, I will be glad to have you around for lunch. How about that? 😜😜
Please, can I take my favourite pineapple juice? πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ

Until then, happy weekend!

Good morning!
Rabbi 😘😘


Dearly beloved in Christ, yesterday we started the season of Lent with an emphasis on prayer, penance and almsgiving as means to help us think of others, think of ourselves and more importantly to think of God in our lives. This morning, Jesus is asking us: "What benefit it is to anyone to win the whole world and forfeit or lose his very self?

Is it true that what Jesus is asking can happen to any of us? What should be the remedy?
In Deuteronomy 30, 15ff, Moses said to the people of Israel: "Look, today I am offering you life and prosperity, death and disaster...Today, I call heaven and earth to witness against you: I am offering you life or death, blessing or curse. Choose life, then,  so that you and your descendants may live." (Deut. 30, 15, 19)

What Jesus said to us in the gospel may not sound very consoling to us. But, they are pointing us to the way of life and eventually to eternal life. The way of life is the way of the cross. To choose otherwise is to choose ruin and disaster. How do you manage your wealth? Are you worshipping it?

This is the season of alms, the season of forgiveness and the season of deep prayers. As we begin this new day, may God equip you with the necessary grace to know what is evil and to run away from them. Who are you going to help today? 😜

Wow.. I couldn't resist the urge to take this chilled glass of orange juice before I go for Mass. Make sure you do likewiseπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ».

From me, it's good morning


Today is the last day of this month, and I am tempted to ask you this question. What have you sacrificed to God in return for what He has done for you? Have you really done enough for Him for all the benefits you have received? 😳😳

In Mark 10, 28-31, Peter asked Jesus: What about us? We have left everything and followed you.
So what was Peter and the rest of the disciples going to get for all they have given up?

My dear friend(s), let me direct the question to you now: for all that you gave up and sacrificed for the Lord, what did you get? How were you rewarded? (If ever you were rewarded!)

No cause for alarm.  The author of the book of Sirach has exhorted us to make our sacrifices cheerfully, because just as the Lord God has given us, so we too must be able to give up what is even rightfully ours (Sirach 35,1-12).

There is no gain saying that a virtuous man's sacrifice is acceptable, and its memorial will not be forgotten. Have you built a school for you community? Have you build a Church, hospital, village square for your people? Have you given people scholarship? Have you bought a car for a priest? Have you built a house for a widow? etc.

God has not started blessing you yet. Your blessings this year shall be so great that people shall use your name for their discussion πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ». Learn to do good, and avoid evil. Rabbi loves you! 😘😘

Good morning


Many times a lot of people do not even know the type of persons they are. Hope you do not belong to such group? However, how was your weekend? Hope you went to Church yesterday? Are you rejuvenated this morning or still suffering the hangover of yesterday groove? 😜😜

Last week, I asked some group of youths what they really want in life. Many of them said, good health;  success in business;  freedom from parents; life partner; riches and wealth, and so on. Unfortunately, no one said that s/he wants to find meaning in life, or to be the person that God has created him/her to be. What a world!

My dear friend(s), I am asking you this question today: What kind of person do you want to be? Or, what kind of person are you? Are you a deceitful person, a greedy person, a nasty person, a selfish person, a wicked person? Or, are you a loving person, a generous person, a compassionate person, a caring person,  a trustworthy and honest person? πŸ™ŠπŸ™Š

Put it differently, why were you created, and what is the meaning of your existence? Well, whatever your situation is,  God permits return, and He even encourages those who are losing hope (Sirach 17, 24ff).

All hope is not lost, because whenever you and I are losing meaning and hope in life, God readily comes to us with open arms and gives us meaning in life. Don't forget that when wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost,  something is lost; and when meaning in life is lost, then everything is lost.

As you begin this new week, I pray for you. May you find purpose and meaning in your life. May your friends bless you. May your enemies reconcile with you. May your neighbors live in peace with you. And may your life affect others positively.

Remember to eat very well before you leave your house and should you do not have what to eat, enter any eatery closer to you and take whatever you need on my account. After all, what are friends for... πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘ŠπŸ»


Thursday, 23 February 2017


It is common to hear among the existentialist philosophers that man is a being with others. Also, Aristotle summarises that a man who cannot live with others in a community is either a beast or a god. No man is an island. Maybe this is why we come into contact with others whom we generally call friends πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ».

My dear friend(s), let me ask you this important questions: Before you call someone your friend, have you ever made an assessment of that person? Can you tell for sure who are your fair-weather friends and who are your faithful friends? How close are the two of you? What makes you think s/he is a good friend?

Well, the answers to these fundamental questions are embedded in Sirach 6, 5-17. The author of the book says,  "When you gain a friend,  gain him through testing,  and do not trust him hastily."

Are you shocked? Now, listen to his description of the several types of fair-weather friends that you need to be wary of: "For there is a friend who is such an his own convenience, but will not stand by you in your day of trouble. And there is  a friend who changed into an enemy, and will disclose a quarrel to your disgrace. And there is a friend who is a table companion, but will not stand by you in your day of trouble... "

The end of the passage gave us hope when it records that "a faithful friend is an elixir of life, and those who fear the Lord will find him. Whoever fears the Lord directs his friendship aright, for as he is, so is his neighbour also." All hope for a faithful friend is not lostπŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ».

Now, let us turn the questions to ourselves: Are we also a faithful friend to others? Am I faithful to my husband or wife? Do I see my partner as a friend? Am I a gossip, cheat and friend breaker? Do I smile in front of my friends and stab them behind? After reading this reflection, do I hope to change?

My dear friend(s), these are some of the questions you and I must answer before we eat good food today.. 😜😜. For your information, I have answered mine, that is why I am enjoying my chilled pineapple juice. Are you jealous already?

Do what is needful.. I am leaving you here. Hope to see you tomorrow, God willing. Happy weekend!


Wednesday, 22 February 2017


Obviously, no mortal being can beat his chest and answer the above question with certainty. This is simply because our future lies not in our hands, but in God's. One thing about us is that the more time we have in our hands, the more time we waste. Why? 😁😁

Whenever we go to bed at night, we think that there will be tomorrow. Of course, there will always be a tomorrow. But, we do not know whether we shall see it or not. We just relied on the mercy of God and have hope πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

The author of the book of Sarah urges us not to delay our return to the Lord  nor postpone it from day to day (Sirach 5,8). Why do you keep postponing that activity? Why do you delay in helping that person who is desperately in need of your help? Does God postpone your blessings? 😳😳😳

Jesus said in Mark 9, 50 "Be at peace with one another." Does this mean anything to you? It is just more than the need for reconciliation with our enemies, perceived or real. What is really urgent is to stop hurting others and being a pain to others, whether it is with our words or actions. Why do you gossip about what is not true? 😑

My most cherished friend(s), Jesus has warned us to cut off our hurtful and sinful words and actions because at the end we shall have to pay the debt of our sins. Think about this.

Make sure you eat enough before you leave your house today. I have already finished a glass of chilled watermelon juice 😜. Rabbi loves you and wishes you a hitch-free day.

Guten Morgen


Wow, I couldn't resist my urge to start writing to you after my official 10 days break. How have you been? Did you miss me as much as I did? I was praying that the days should pass swiftly so I can come back to  you. Nice to meet you in good health πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ».

I am scared by the topic I'm writing to you this morning. Who have we killed? Are we killers? Did I travel to bring back bad news? God forbid! 😳😳 But, who did we kill? Read on.

Every religion emphasises the dignity and sacredness of human life. But in Christianity,  this teaching flows from the Scriptures. For instance, in  Genesis 9,1-13, there is an outright emphasis on this dignity and sacredness of human life.

Yahweh emphasised in verse 6, " he who sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed,  for in the image of God was man created." This simply means that God shall demand an account of every man's life from his fellowman. And he who shed man's blood, shall have his blood shed by man, for in the image of God, man was made.

Let's go back to our topic, "we killed him". Who? Let me ask you, can man shed God's blood?😳😳. What happens when man puts God to death? Many years ago, Jesus prophesied that He will be put to death by manπŸ™Š.

Well, my dear friend(s), by our sins, we have shedded God's blood thereby putting Him to death. We have all killed him😑
Yet strangely enough, it was by the shedding of the blood of Jesus that we are saved.

How loving God is to us. Indeed, He is awesome. Even when we do not merit His love, He gave it to us unconditionallyπŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸΌ.

Dear friend(s), the good news of God's unconditional and sacrificial love for man, even to the point of shedding His blood and dying for man, is the good news of our salvation πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

That is the good news I have brought to you. Don't worry, I am not traveling anytime soon. We shall stay and enjoy together.

I missed my favorite pineapple juice and coconut rice. Do you know that in Bujumbura, I didn't see coconut rice to eat? 😁😁
I can't go there again... This is my way of starting the day with you. Don't kill, either by word or action. I have warned you.

As always, I love you from my heart. And I am back for good. Go out and preach the gospel by your life..

This is your friend and brother, saying,

Bonjour monsieur/madame

Friday, 10 February 2017


Many people have started saying, "Thank God is Friday." What is really special about Friday? Are foods given free in the restaurant? Are treatment given free in the hospital? Do people make calls free with their network provider? Whatever it is, thank God is Friday. πŸ˜‚

Well, that's not what I want to talk about today. Have you tried to watch your favourite program on television and the audio is not functional? How did you feel when you only saw the people moving without hearing what they were saying? πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

Okay! That was exactly the situation of the deaf man in the gospel of Mark 7, 31-37. In fact, but not for the benevolence and good will of his friends and relations, he would have missed Jesus. Our neighbours are important. Treat them well πŸ‘πŸ»

Sadly though, when he was brought before Jesus, he didn't understand exactly what was happening until Jesus put His fingers into his ears and touched his tongue with spittle.

It dawned on him at that moment that Jesus was healing him of his deafness and his speech impediment. Now, the fundamental question is: what is he going to hear from then on, and what is he going to speak? Incredible! 😳😳😳

Fortunately enough, you and I reading this reflection now, can see, hear, and speak. But then, another important question crop up: What do we see, what do we hear, and what do we speak? Must we look at everything? Must we listen to everything? Must we say everything? Think, my dear friend(s) πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š.

Many people would argue that it didn't start today, because in Genesis 3,1-8, instead of Eve to listen to the commandments of God, she was listening to antics of the devil. What a world! 😑

My dear friend(s), I prayed for you today, may God help you to see only the good, hear only the pleasant news, and speak only the truth and good news. May God close the eyes of those who are looking for you to harm you. May He close the ears of those who are waiting to hear bad news against you. May He also seal the mouth of those spreading false information about you πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

I have resumed my pineapple juice therapy 😁😁😁😜. Make sure you eat well before you leave your house. I love you 😘😘😘

Good morning!

Sunday, 5 February 2017


Another new week is here with its blessings and challenges. Before we start the new week properly, I wish to exhort you not to judge anyone by his/her look, because  we cannot say what a person is really like just by his looks. Or can you?

No doubt, we can presume the feelings of a person through his look. For instance, when there is an angry look, a hurt look, a loving look, a tender look, etc. All these can reveal what the person may have at heart. But, even at that, it can be deceptive.

My dear friend(s), how did the people recognized Jesus in Mark,  6, 53-56? They saw in Him something deeper than just the physical dimension, like the look of mercy and love.They saw in Him, the face of love, the face of God.

How can people recognize you? As always an angry person, happy person, jovial person, loving person, gossip, spy, helper, agent of destruction, etc. Do you like the way people recognize you?

Well, this is a new week and you can make amends. If you do not like the way people recognize you, then do something to change. May others recognize that good look in us, and see that face of love and mercy in us.

Correct each other in brotherly love. I wish you a very happy and productive day and week ahead. Don't forget to eat before you leave your house this morning. As usual, Rabbi loves you.

Good morning


Friday, 3 February 2017


It seems to me that those who find time to relax, rest and enjoy good health are considered to be lazy in the world. Many times I see people writing "TGIF"  (Thank God is Friday) on their Facebook wall, and I ask myself, "Do they always rest?" Maybe, people rest from OFFICIAL work on Fridays to continue their personal hustling.. 😜😜

The need for rest and recreation seemed to be like a missing element in our lives. Am I right? Today is Saturday, are you going to rest? There is wedding, funeral, ordination, traditional marriage, naming ceremony, this and that.. Lol. When are you going to rest? 😁😁We may have been used to busyness and hurried lives that we do not remember  the necessity of rest and recreation.

My dear friend(s), when was the last time you had a quiet time for prayer and to refocus your heart on God? In Mark 6, 30-34, when the disciples came back from their mission and reported what they had done, the response of Jesus was for them to go to a lonely place and rest. Have you seen the need for rest? πŸ™ŠπŸ™Š

Let me tell you, no matter how you hustle, success cannot be created by your own hands. It is God who will give success to the work of your hands. So, find time to rest. What will be will be..

Okay!  This would do for today. I forgot to tell you that as I am writing this reflection, a chilled glass of pineapple juice is just by my side. I'm relaxing. Do the same, my dear friend(s). Go for games either this morning or later in the evening.

I am your friend, saying rest well and good morning.

Rabbi 😘😘

Tuesday, 31 January 2017


Just before I went to bed last night, a strange number called me and requested that I should pray for her against her ancestral altar. "They are against me", she sobbed 😳😳

Does your family members love you? If yes, thank God. I know a lot of people who have suffered because of their family lineage. It shall not be so for you. Amen. Your family lineage shall be a blessing to you πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

Jesus suffered the same fate when he travelled to his hometown in Mark 6, 1-6. We are told that when he arrived at His hometown, His own people scrutinized Him and at the end, never accepted Him 😳😳

It was at this point that Jesus echoed, "a prophet is only despised in his own country, among his own relations and in his own house". My dear friend(s), this can only help us to
reflect on what is the environment and the spiritual atmosphere in our own homes.

The author of the Letter to the Hebrews (12, 4-7,11-15) gives us the spiritual foundations and directions of a Christian community, but that can also be applicable in our own homes.

It says in part, "... be careful that no one is deprived of the grace of God and that no root of bitterness should begin to grow and make trouble; this can poison a whole community."πŸ™πŸ»

As you begin your day this month, I prophesy upon your life: whatever your parents and forefathers had done to bring a bad name to your family, it shall not be visited on you and your children; whatever evil altar that your village people are standing to call your name and cast a spell, it shall be broken to pieces.

No weapon formed against you by your family members, village members, office colleagues, market partners, church members, school mates, etc. shall prosper. Rejoice for the Lord has remembered you this day. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

I shall not fail to take my favourite pineapple juice today 😜😜. Make sure you relax when you return back from work. Rabbi loves you!

Bonjour monsieur/madame

Monday, 30 January 2017


My dearest friend(s), do you know that I woke up very early just because of you? I couldn't catch some sleep because I was thinking of you. I read something online last night and it says, even if s/he does not reply to your messages because of pride, keep being good to him/her. I know you are good, that's why I'm not bothered.

I know that sometimes life does not treat us well, but then, we do not have to lose our focus on the one who owns our lives. Be consoled with what you read in the Scripture. In the  Mark 5, 21ff,  both Jarius, who was an official in the synagogue and the woman with the issue of blood were looking up to Jesus in their distress. In their desperation, they ran to Him with a sure hope that their needs will be granted.

Did I also remind you that there were obstacles and challenges and difficulties for them? The woman with the issue of blood had to disregard every public opinion and Jairus likewise had to keep his hope even when he was told that his daughter was dead. What a show of faith!

My dear friend(s), what saved their situations was that they kept gazing on Jesus and believing in Him and at the end they won the race. What is disturbing your mind? Is it that admission, marriage,  employment, fruit of the womb, travelling documents, health, etc.  keep your focus on Jesus and trust in Him. He will give you the joy of victory.

Let me end here today. As you step out today, be good to those around you, keep your head high and believe that lunch will be sure... 😜

I am your friend,  saying

Good morning!

Monday, 23 January 2017


What a beautiful day we have seen today. How are you doing at the moment? Hope you slept well? Well, this is a new day with its blessings and challenges, take them as they come and work for your goodπŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ».

Let me ask you: Did anyone offend you last week? Were you thinking of paying the person back? Have you thought of reconciliation? What did you pastor preach yesterday? Are you having a rethink Now? Think about these questions.. πŸ‘πŸ»

My most cherished friend(s), our saviour Jesus Christ suffered the same fate when the scribes made a very vicious comment about Him that it was through the prince of devils that He was casting out devils. What an effrontery! 😳😳

Was that not disparaging enough to awaken Jesus' anxiety to retaliate? Yet, He did not retaliate, but tried to help them see what was wrong with their statement. As you go out today, let me remind you this:

Think good,
Do good,
Talk good,
Help someone to know Christ today,
Eat well,
Pray more.

Good morning!

Tuesday, 17 January 2017


My dear friend(s), hope you had a nice night rest? Are you already in the office, school, shop, etc? Have you noticed that many people in this world are very interested in what happens to their neighbours more than what happens to them? What should possibly cause this? 😳

The leper in Mark 1, 40-45 certainly was courageous enough to make that bold step of moving forward to seek Jesus. He was aware of his status and what can possibly happen to him should he made an attempt to mingle with the peopleπŸ™ŠπŸ™Š

But in a rather desperate and near-hopeless situation, he took the courage to seek out Jesus and to come before him. What an uncommon courage and bravery! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘ŠπŸ»πŸ‘ŠπŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

In his desperate and near-hopeless situation, he expressed his humility by kneeling before Jesus. My dear friend(s), all of us are lepers in one way or the other, because sin is the spiritual leprosy that afflicts our souls and causes our hearts to decay and rot😜😜.

May God help us to be courageous enough to acknowledge our sinfulness and make amends. Enjoy the rest of the day. I'm out.

Good morning!


"Then I said, 'You rulers of the house of Israel, is it not your duty to know what is right? Yet you hate good and love evil, you tear the skin from my people and the flesh from their bones. Those who eat my people's flesh and break their bones to pieces, who chop them up like meat for the pan and share them like flesh for the pot, when they cry, Yahweh will not answer. He will hide his face from them because of their evil deeds." (Micah 3, 1-4)

Hmm.. This is indeed a hard nut to crack. Here, Yahweh denounces those in authority: civil and religious. But, what about those in the family? Are they free? 😭😭 Every leader, whether in government, religion, and homes should know what is right and apply it, by giving everyone his due. But, is that what we see these days?

It is not uncommon to see classrooms, town halls, motor parks, village squares, and indeed any available space being turned into a worshipping space. Prophets everywhere, fake and real alike. They practice and carry out private consultations regarding the future of some their victims.

Regrettably, the role of a true prophet which is to denounce evil have been replaced with scouting for people who pay them for their visions and dreams. They tear down the people, cut them into pieces like a butcher. Yahweh is angry with these people and said, "I will ask an account of the shepherds and reclaim my sheep from them. No longer shall they tend my flock; nor shall the be shepherds who feed themselves. I shall save the flock from their mouths and no longer shall it be food for them" (Ezekiel 34, 10)

Because of the sinful nature of our leaders, and their gross neglect of their duties, the prophet said that the Lord will not listen to them when they cry to him. He will turn his face away from them. May it never happen to us. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

Let's pray for our leaders. May God never punish us because of those in authority. Amen

Happy day ahead!
Good morning,

Monday, 9 January 2017


Dearly beloved friend(s), I hope you had a splendid night rest devoid of restlessness. We thank God for that πŸ™πŸ». Have you noticed how fast this year is running? Terrible! What does the topic suggest to you? A lot of people have started breaking their New Year resolution.. 😜

Today I pray for you that whatever that is in you that will make you to distant yourself(ves) from God this year may be quiet and come out of you πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ». In Mark 1, 21-28, the unclean spirit that possessed the man shouted at Jesus, " What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are: the Holy One of God."

My dear friend(s), this was a voice of fear, a voice that was defensive because it felt threatened, a voice of surrender.
Yet Jesus, calmly and authoritatively echoed his voice thus: Be quiet! Come out of him!

May the spirit of sickness, frustration, depression, sadness, accident, immorality, unemployment, barrenness, infertility, non profit, failure, and rejection be quiet and come out of you. May Jesus, the visible face of the invisible father bless you, the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Good morning

Sunday, 8 January 2017


"You will be the most blessed of all people. None of you, man or woman, will be sterile, no male or female of your beast infertile" (Deut. 7, 14) New Jerusalem Bible.

"You shall be more favoured than all the peoples; there will be no sterile male or female among your people or in your livestock" (Christian Community Bible).

My dear friend(s), I had a revelation about you last night, and God said I should tell you that He will bless you with the tokens of His love above all people, if you'll distinguish yourself from others by your service, then He will dignify you above all else by singular blessings. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

In Genesis 9, 1; 1,28, God pronounced a blessing on the human race, "Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth". Interestingly, growth and increase were the ancient blessings for the people of Canaan, and by extension, to you and your household nowπŸ™πŸ»

God promised them, like he has promised you today. As you begin this new year, I prophesy upon your life, you shall neither have estates without heirs, nor heirs without estates. But, you should have a complete satisfaction of having many children and plentiful provisions and portions for them.

You shall not labour for other others to squander your wealth. You shall not die prematurely for people to chase your children away and take over your possession. God shall raise up heirs to enjoy the labour of your hands. This year, sickness, sorrow, crisis, difficulties, and disappointments shall be very far from you and what concerns you. Amen.

Wow.. I'm back from the spirit world. Lol. Heading to the table for coconut rice and green tea. Hope you'll do the same😜

It's your friend and brother, saying,

Good morning!

Wednesday, 4 January 2017


The roof contractor of the Reigners Bible Church International and Managing Director of White Steel Integrated Services Limited, Mr. Idorenyin Daniel Udoh, has regained freedom after spending 23 days at the Criminal Investigation Department, Akwa Ibom State Police Headquarters.

Mr. Inibehe Effiong, a Lagos based legal practitioner and human rights activist appeared before the Commission of Inquiry constituted by the State governor to probe the immediate and remote causes of the collapsed Church building in Uyo on Wednesday, January 4, 2017 and argued vehemently for the release of his client from custody.

The fiery lawyer informed the retired Justice Umoekoyo Essang-led Commission of Inquiry that his client has been detained unconstitutionally without a charge and that there was no basis whatever in law for the continued detention of his client who he said is presumed innocent until he is proved guilty.

Mr. Effiong cited several legal authorities and referred the Commission to his letter to the State Commissioner of Police, Mr. Murtala U. Mani and a publication in the Punch Newspaper of Monday, January 2, 2017 where the police said that the matter was now with the Commission of Inquiry. The lawyer futher informed the Commission that it was unacceptable for the Founder and General Overseer of the Church, Apostle Akan Weeks and other contractors who played prominent role in the construction to be walking freely while his client is detained.

In his response, the Counsel to the Commission of Inquiry and Assistant Director of Public Prosecution in the Akwa Ibom State Ministry of Justice, Mr. F. J. Etim opposed the application for the bail and release of the roof contractor on the ground that there was no evidence that the said contractor was in custody. He further said that the Commission cannot be releasing people indiscriminately.

In his reply, Mr. Effiong expressed shock and dismay over the response of the State Counsel who he said did not justify the detention of his client. The human rights lawyer asked whether the State Counsel expected him to produce a video before the Commission showing the contractor in police custody?.

He further said that the Nigeria Police Force is represented in the Commission by an Assistant Commissioner of Police who can easily verify whether his client is in their custody. Mr. Effiong referred the Commission again to the letter he wrote to the Commissioner of Police and the publication in the Punch Newspaper where the Police Public Relations Officer in the State acknowledged the detention of his client and urged the Commission to discountenance the objection.

In his ruling, the Chairman of the Commission Justice Umoekoyo Essang, said that Mr. Idorenyin Udoh will be accompanied by the police to the Commission to give evidence and advised Mr. Inibehe Effiong to approach the regular courts for the enforcement of the fundamental rights of his client.

Dissatisfied with the ruling, Mr. Effiong appealed to the Commission to reconsider its decision and order the immediate release of his client in the interest of justice to afford him adequate time and facilities to prepare his defence. He said that it was impossible for his client to defend himself and participate freely in the proceedings while in detention and that the application for the enforcement of his fundamental rights cannot be pursued at the regular courts because the courts were yet to resume from the Christmas vacation.

The Commission subsequently gave an order for the release of the contractor. Mr. Effiong who was at the State Police Headquarters as at 8.00 pm to enforce the order confirmed that the contractor has regained his freedom.


I hope you will read to the end before you murder me... 😜 I do not know where I got the inspiration to write this reflection but I know God is always faithful.

The Apostle John in 1 John 3, 11-21,  reminisce our mind to the first murder committed on earth. The description is breathtaking, that Cain cut his brother's throat 😭😭. Reason? Simple! That Cain's own life was evil and his brother lived a good life.

Hmmmm... What a world! Are you surprise that the world hates you? My dear friend(s), when you live a good life, it does not mean that you will be trouble-free. No, far from it😑

Now, after presenting this horror scene to us, the Apostle John  urges us to keep on living the good life and to love even our enemies. This is because, if we refuse to love, we are spiritually dead, and to hate is to be a murderer. Are you a murderer? 😳😳

May there be a transformation in your life this day. Have a productive day ahead and don't forget to take your breakfast. Should you don't have anything for lunch, just work into any eatery closer to you and eat on my account. We shall settle later. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

From me, it's

Good morning