Monday, 5 December 2016


I can sense that a lot of people would be happy about this topic while some others will not. Whatever the case, go down with me to the end. Did you have a good night rest? Did you pray before you sleep last night? How are you feeling at the moment? Aren't you happy to see this day?

Obviously, any shrewd person who has read about the parable in Luke 19, 11-28 will certainly have some questions to ask, like: Why must that servant be punished for not making more money out of that one pound? Anyhow, the master should be happy enough to get his money back, isn't it?😜😜

From the logical point of view, we can say yes. But if we apply this premise to our lives and to our dealings with others, then this world would be a very selfish place. This is because we will become very calculative and ask questions like: why must I waste my time for the benefit of others, or why must I be generous to others...

My most cherished friend(s), whatever we have, be it our time, our resources, our money, talent, beauty, all that we have, is a gift from God. And you know very well that if gifts are not shared, then this world would indeed be a very poor and sad place😁😁.
And if gifts are not shared and used, then those gifts will also deteriorate and be wasted😜.

Think of putting a smile on someone's face today.. I trust you. Have a good day!

Rabbi πŸ‘πŸ»

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