Monday, 12 December 2016


It is not uncommon to find people trooping into some "happening" Churches these days seeking for signs and wonders. And because of this, a lot of pastors and Church owners have devised means to  work on the psychology of these teaming and vulnerable worshippers 😳😱.

To say the least, these signs and wonders are worrying and disturbing. What is this looming crisis that the Church is facing? Or, what is the problem?

My dearly beloved, John the Baptist in Matt. 11, 2-11 also had a problem, or a crisis while he was in prison. Actually, he had heard about the activities of Christ and he sent two of his disciples to go and ask Him, “Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?”😳😳

But, why did John the Baptist asked that question when he was the one who baptised Jesus earlier on and declared him the lamb of God? Well, this is a food for thought for you.

Maybe, you and I in times of crisis can ask a similar question, like, “Am I in the right church, or would it be better to go to another church which is more happening? Will my salvation be manifested here?

Jesus answered John’s disciples, “Go back and report to John what you hear and see: the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are made clean, the deaf hear, the dead are brought back to life and good news is reaching the poor. And how fortunate is the one who does not take offense at me."

The prophet Isaiah had prophesied this a long time ago before Jesus Christ was born, in 35, 5-10. We too want to hear and see all these. We want to see signs and wonders so that we won’t lose faith in Jesus and in the Church.

But, your stories have changed because you will return with everlasting joy upon your head, and go to Zion singing, gladness and joy marching with you, while sorrow and sighing will be very far away from your house (Isaiah 35, 10)🙏🏻🙏🏻

Go out today and come back safe. God has taken over your case.. Amen.

Good morning!

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